I have an ekphrastic, persona prose poem in the newest Quarterly West. I first drafted it last summer at the Musée de la Vie romantique while staring at Françoise Pétrovitch’s "L’Ogresse," a statue installed in the courtyard during her show « Aimer. Rompre ». At that time, I was in the inspired company of my Oxbridge creative writing students— Ellie, Tyler, Claire, Julia, Kate, Logan, Mahika, Charlie, Lucinda, and Ava. Thank you to them for their intention and care of our collective writing space. And thank you, of course, to Francoise Pétrovitch, for your oeuvre, which continues to intrigue and play in my mind. I am grateful to Brandon Young, Erin O’Luanaigh, Jasmine Khaliq, and the entire QW editorial team for including and being so attentive to my work.
“L’Ogresse” by Françoise Pétrovitch