“Loving Tallulah Bankhead is the perfect book not just for nonconforming Southerners, but for all who want to learn more about the darkness behind the South’s beauty: ‘We call upon our haunted / Sisters who have had to leave / To save their minds.’ It’s not just for ‘spooky, ruined women’ but for all rebels. Despite their similarities and their intimacy, Chappell’s Tallulah remains elusive as the scent of perfume, vague but still intoxicating. Her mystique is most potent when ultimately left unexplained and when instead her nemesis, the ugliness of patriarchy, is illumined with blinding light.”
I am touched to read this beautiful review of Loving Tallulah Bankhead written by Katharine Armbrester for the Southern Review of Books. That a fellow Alabama native found this work worth her time and attention is an absolute honor.