I am very happy to share one of the poem-illustration pairings from Loving Tallulah Bankhead as featured on Edwin Fagel’s Yes the Void. It was a pleasure to meet him in person in Den Haag in November when Lauren Patterson and I were discussing the project at Colette Antiquariaat.
Guest on La Vie Créative Podcast
Thank you, Krystal Kenney of La Vie Creative Podcast, for having me on your show to talk about my Paris beginnings, poetry, and some of the process behind Loving Tallulah Bankhead! You can listen here.
Loving Tallulah Bankhead Goes to Alabama
I am incredibly honored to be taking this collection home for the holidays. I will be reading from Loving Tallulah Bankhead on Thursday, December 22nd in Birmingham at Burdock Book Collective and on Wednesday, December 28th in Jasper at Tallulah Brewing Company. I can’t wait to see you and to toast to Tallulah with my fellow Alabamians.
Loving Tallulah Bankhead in The Hague
I’m very excited to announce that Loving Tallulah Bankhead is traveling to The Hague next Wednesday, November 2nd, for a reading and discussion with book illustrator Lauren Patterson at Antiquariaat Colette & Co. If you are nearby, I hope you’ll join us.
Special Guest at SpokenWord Paris—Monday, October 17th
I’m very pleased to be special guesting Spoken Word Paris this Monday, October 17th. I’ll be reading from my new book, Loving Tallulah Bankhead (Paris Heretics 2022). Hope to see you there, Au Chat Noir.
Sandra Moussempès: une poétesse en traduction
Amanda Murphy and I have been working behind-the-scenes on a co-translation of Sandra Moussempès’ Cassandre à bout portant, and this Friday we will be in conversation with Sandra herself and Lénaïg Cariou at La Maison de recherche, 4 rue des Irlandais, Paris 5ème, to dive into some of the most challenging and compelling moments of her collection and our translation process. Hope you’ll join us for the adventure.
Poetry Reading at La Fondation La Ruche-Seydoux
Hello Parisians, this Wednesday Verse of April is hosting a night of poetry at La Fondation La Ruche-Seydoux with readings from Mélanie Blaison, Lénaïg Cariou, Laure Gauthier, Alison Grace Koehler, Jason Stoneking, and myself. I hope you’ll join us. You can email verseofapril@gmail.com to reserve!
Launch Party for Loving Tallulah Bankhead
On Wednesday, October 5th, I will be celebrating the release of Loving Tallulah Bankhead at a private venue in the 14th arrondissement of Paris. The evening will begin at 18h with themed cocktails, Alabama-amuse-bouches, and live music by Sheldon Forrest. At approximately 19h, I will read a selection of poems from the collection. Throughout the evening, copies of the book will be available for purchase and signing. Illustrator Lauren Patterson will be in town for one night only to sign books alongside me. If you are interested in reserving a spot on the guest list, please write to me. There are still a few places left.
Loving Tallulah Bankhead, poems by Carrie Chappell. Illustrated by Lauren Patterson. (Paris Heretics 2022).
Loving Tallulah Bankhead
I am ecstatic to announce the official publication of Loving Tallulah Bankhead. My book is now available in a standard edition and also in a limited special edition of 50 copies, numbered and signed by both myself and the illustrator. The limited special edition comes with a pendant featuring the original cover art as well as a copy of my handwritten letter to Tallulah. I am ever grateful to Lauren Patterson, illustrator extraordinaire who welcomed this collaboration with fierce and wondrous tenderness and touched it with pure magic, and to the beautiful rockstars of Paris Heretics who produced this collection with such attention and wisdom towards the “art object” that I’m ruined for anyone else! If you’re interested in purchasing a copy, please follow the link: http://www.carriechappell.com/books.
Lit Balm Reading with Arielle Greenberg, Kristin Sanders, and Bianca Stone
I am delighted to be reading this Saturday, August 6th at 5 p.m. (EST) with Arielle Greenberg, Kristin Sanders, and Bianca Stone. Please join us on Zoom! An open mic will follow.
My whole time through Djuna Barnes’ Nightwood I felt a stirring, a spinning, a kind of leaping over of selves, through stratas of consciousness. After I finished her book, I felt I needed to spend more time with my thoughts on where our night souls and day persons meet each other, if they do. I started by going back to this poem I wrote in 2020. It is a beginnings-place, for the rest of the work I want to do in thinking about Nora Flood, Matthew O’Connor, Robin Vote, Felix Volkbein, and Jenny Petherbridge. Here is a performance of “20” from Quarantine Daybook.
Conversation with Paris Heretics at Marché de la Poésie
I am delighted to join L'Assaut des Poètes at the Marché de la Poésie on Thursday, June 9th to participate in a conversation led by Paris Heretics. Come hear myself and fellow Heretics artists Lesteria and Alison Grace Koehler discuss our relationship and forthcoming collaborations with this important creative label. We will begin at 14h30, Place Saint-Sulpice, stand 703.
"A Pregnancy of One's Own" in New Delta Review
“A Pregnancy of One’s Own” is an essay I wrote about my personal story of reproductive justice, and it is now published in New Delta Review’s 12.2. Thank you to Erin Little and the editorial team for giving it space and company.
"This Is God in Her Guts" in Yes The Void
I am grateful to Edwin Fagel at Yes The Void for giving an online home to "This Is God in Her Guts," a poem of mine that was originally published in #Firebrand, a print anthology of White Stag Publishing. This time around, she's paired with a photo I took of Sloss Furnaces in 2012 when I routed through my hometown to return to New Orleans after spending a summer leading writing workshops for young women at Bryn Mawr. The study of red is long.
It’s been two years since these poems spoke up in me and a year since QUARANTINE DAYBOOK launched from Bottlecap Press. Thank you for cheering it and me on. Here is “10,” a ghazal written on the fringes of Easter.
Loving Tallulah Bankhead Forthcoming from Paris Heretics
I am very excited to announce that Loving Tallulah Bankhead, a collection of my Tallulah poems accompanied by illustrations from Lauren Patterson, is forthcoming from Paris Heretics. Here I am discussing the project with Jason Stoneking at La Fée Verte in March 2022.
Live Poetry Event in Tandem with Alison Grace Koehler's Stained Glass Show "De Verre en vers"
Pleased to be a part of this live poetry event that will feature work that responds to themes evoked in Alison Grace Kohler’s current show, “De Verre en vers.” I’m really looking forward to reading alongside Jamika Ajalon, Biba Ndiaye, Emily Ruck Keene, and Kristin Sanders and hearing a special bespoke text by Jason Stoneking! Join us this Friday, March 25th, at 19h at Espace Canopy (19 rue Pajol, 75018).
Now Available: Manuscript Consultations
I have missed interacting with and supporting writers "behind the scenes," so I am now offering manuscript consultations for a few time slots per month. With over 10 years of experience in literary editorship, I can help you recognize and focus the potential of your poems, prose, and hybrid compositions. More information about rates and packages is listed under “Editing” on my site. I look forward to hearing from you.
Closing out 2021 and ringing in 2022 with a little at-home performance from Quarantine Daybook (Bottlecap Press 2021). Thank you for tuning in. A few more videos yet to come!
In the coming weeks, I will be working on putting together a few performances and video poems of pieces from Quarantine Daybook. Here is “15,” recorded in May 2021 from my quarantine kitchen.